Malaysia’s Gamuda Bhd has once again showcased its expertise on the international stage by clinching a design and build contract in a joint venture for the Kaohsiung Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) metropolitan line in Taiwan. The esteemed project is awarded by the Kaohsiung City government and amounts to an impressive RM3.45 billion.
This remarkable achievement marks Gamuda’s third railway project in Taiwan, underscoring its burgeoning presence in the country. The Malaysian company had previously left its mark with the construction of the Kaohsiung MRT Orange Line in 2008. More recently, in 2022, Gamuda secured the RM2.13 billion Taoyuan City underground railway project in Taipei, further solidifying its reputation for excellence.
Gamuda’s influence in Taiwan extends to six key infrastructure projects, including the Guantang Marine Bridge, the Taipei port seawall, and the 161kV Songshu to Guanfeng underground transmission line. This expanded portfolio in Taiwan emphasises Malaysia’s prowess in the global construction industry.
The latest endeavour involves the construction of the Kaohsiung Mass Rapid Transit Yellow Line, encompassing a substantial 22.8km route. It consists of a 21.9km underground section, complemented by a 0.9km elevated stretch and boasts a total of 23 stations, catering to six districts, namely NiaoSong, SanMin, LingYa, XinXing, FengShan, and QianZhen.
This significant contract win underscores Gamuda’s remarkable capabilities and reflects Malaysia’s growing influence and success in the global construction arena. It’s a testament to the expertise and innovation that Malaysian companies bring to international projects, making waves on a global scale.